zombie video in preparation

1. went over script.
2. make and try out the zombie colour of skin.
3. logo made for front cover.
4. last minuet script change.
5. zombie eye make-up designed.
6. the way the zombies move.
7. music thought of for each scene.

this is what our group have accomplished today in 3 hours.

animation week 4

today i watched a hour long documentary about Pixar.
wrote down notes on most information and done a quiz on what happens e.g. information etc.... in the documentary.

Our World, Our War, Our End. (Zombie Script) Scene 1 : Part 2

Scene 1 : Part 2

K.D put her hand out and Rixon handed her the money. K.D counted the money and added all her winnings from the night and pushed a bill into nicks chest.

K.D - "Go get yourself a drink" (then pulled out anther bill and done the same) "and get me one while your at it"

Nick walked towards kyle and through the money on the floor behind him. Mike saw it fall and picked it up and gave it to K.D. She passed it back.

K.D - "Get us a round with it"
Mike - "Sure thing"

Mike walks over to the bar to get drinks. K.D and Rixon and a group of other people are sitting at the table.
Mike and Kyle come back with the drinks and puts them down on the table and sits down.
Nike comes over again and drags over a seat, back of the seat  facing them and he sits down. The table goes quiet.

Nike - "don't go quiet on my account"
Rixon - "you really are a gluten for punishment"
K.D - "what do you want?"
Nick - "i want my money"
(K.D looks up at him from beneath her cap)
Rixon - "its not your money anymore"
Nick - "ii want my god damn money back" (he punches the table)
Rixon - "calm down. your only gonna get yourself hurt"
Mike - "Exactly. you don't belong in this crowed"
Nike - "i will say were i do and do not belong not you" (he had snapped at Mike)

K.D out her cigarette in her mouth and slowly pulled out a gun to Nikes head and kept it there.

Rixon - "i tried to warn you"
Kyle - "about time we had some action around this place"
Mike - "you said it" (they Hi fived each other)
Nike - "is now really a good time to laugh at my expense?" (panic in his voice)
Kyle - (He thinks about it to himself for a second) "Yeah"

Mick gives a quick smile at nick. K.D was looking down at the table while she was holding the gun to Nicks Head.

Nick - "okay. it doesn't matter about the money"
K.D - "you have already peeved me off. a poor attempt of an apology isn't going to make a difference" (K.D moves the gun and places it on the table and takes the last sip out of her beer and smashed it over Nicks head) "but that makes me feel a hell of a lot better"

Nike pasted out on the table.

Mike "about time he was starting to get annoying"
Rixon - "is anymore gonna pick up the trash?!?" (he gestured to Nike who was still past out on the table)


flip book animations

for two ours we had looked at flip book animations and started making  our own flip books. mine is the break on a pool table.

Frisky Dingo

Frisky dingo is my fav animation and i had to do a presentation about it

Our War, Our World, Our End (Zombie film script in the making)

K.D - Megyn (me)
Rixon - Graeme
Nick - George
Kyle - Ali
Mike - Scott

Scene 1 (Part 1)
Bo's Arcade
K.D and Rixon are playing pool.
(Theory of a dead man - Bad girlfriend playing in background)
K.D - "That will be £300 thank you"
Rixon - "Your one lucky son of a bitch, you know that?"
K.D - "and you know it"

A short man in a black shirt and casual jeans, going by the name of Nick Walk into the bar as Rixon gave K.D the money. He walk up to someone in the crowded of people.

Nick - "Who is that with the black cap on near the pool tables"
Kyle - "That's K.D she is here every night to play pool"

Nick walks towards K.D and Rixon who were laughing at something Rixon had said.
(Nickelback - Something in your mouth)
Nick stood right in front of K.D and put down £50

K.D - "in not cheap £100 or nothing" (she said pushing back the £50.)
Nick - "Fine. Let me show you how it is done."(He put down a £100.)

K.d gave a small laugh under her breath. she picked up the £100 and passed it to Rixon.

K.D - "keep this, till i take that smug look of his face" (a little attitude came out as she said it. she took another drink of her beer and past it to Rixon)

K.D had the pool balls in the triangke and put the white ball down and moved aside for Nick to go First but he signaled for K.D to go first.

Nick - "By all means" (He had a smug look on his face.)

K.D goes first and the game continued. Nick started to look worried. K.D looked at him and smiled.

K.d - "What's wrong little man?"
Nick - "Its Nick. I'm just worried your gonna lose out on some money" (He tried to cover up his panic.)

K.D putted the black and took another drink.

Rixon - "Tuff luck kid" (he put his hand on Nicks shoulder but Nick shrugged him off.)


animator (Task one Q:5)

5. Which is your favourite animation and why do you like it?

my favorite animations is frisky dingo it is an program that is adult swim, it is not any special animation it does not look realistic but the way they have made the character and how they move was the thing the caught my eye.   

    animator (Task one Q:4)

    4. What are the differences between early and contemporary forms of animation? 

      Both early and present animation looks so different because as time has passed programs for computer have come out to make the animation so look so more realistic and different ways have been found to make things animated, than the way it looks back at the start of animation.

      animator (Task one Q:3)

      3. Research and find out about two different types of contemporary animation. What is each called? Describe how they were made and again add some images or youtube links to your description. 

      2D animation can now be created or edited on your computer using bitmap graphics or 2D vector graphics, you can morph onion skin or interpolate rotoscoping with computer animation, everything is done n the computer thanks to new programs that always us to do so.

      Clay animations are used in films and programs such as wallace and grommet and robot chicken, you move the clay model a tiny little but for each photo you take so it looks just like these programs, it takes along time to create this illusion but all worth the wait in the end.

      Animator (Task one Q:2)

      2. Research and find out about two different early forms of animation. What is each called? Describe how they were made and add some images to your description.  

      Phenakistoscope and praxionscope were two different forms of early animation. 

      Phenakistoscope was a divice used early in animation that gave the illusion of motion.

      Praxionscope was a small cylinder with slits in the side all the way around so you could see in so when you put a images on the inside everyone a bit different from the one before, it would looks like the images was moving when you spun the cylinder.

      Animator (Task one Q:1)

      1.    Research on the Internet and then in your own words, write a short description (3-4 sentences) about the term ‘animation’.

      animation can either be 2D or 3D moving images, which are lost of single images being merged together to look like and object is actually moving on its own will but its just different pictures of the object. it is not just object it could be a drawing and you make different positions with the drawing such as a person running each drawing will changed a little bit so when you put them all together it will look something like this:
      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sJV9jHwsoE (This is one way of making this)
      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKICWU1QfhQ (You could even make then do this if you really wanted to)